Saturday, September 27, 2008


the past few mornings have given me a chance to digest some musics & to even recreate certain aspects myself. yesterday in the car i jammed like fuck to the Sundays, obviously, i finally got all 3 of their albums in mp3 form & had them on random play. sweet. add to that the 2008 stuff so far from the Cure, which includes new singles & a couple of remixes. i like the songs themselves a lot but at least one of the remixes sucks. today, this morning, i was back to the 'nu-misc' folder on the mp3 cd & fell in ear-love with the two songs by Windsor For The Derby. me neither. shit was pretty righteous this morning, they hit me with some old school dirgeyness but they added old style xtc drums & wires so it was just weird enough to make me go HOLY hot BAD F-WORD! there was another song in the nu-misc folder, i forget who it's by, but it sounded like Swans crossed with Beach Boys. It was power dirge, then a breakdown, then a 4-part a capella thing. It was weird. ... that was also Windsor For The Derby. So, well done, them.

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