I watched 'lars and the real girl' yesterday. In the party scene it featured two songs that have been stuck in my head ever since, 'genius of love' by Tom Tom Club (which was the Talking Heads rhythm section plus Adrian Belew - this song was also used by Mariah Carey a few years ago, yuck) and....
Talking Heads - "This Must be the Place (Naive Melody)". I've been on a pretty big Talking Heads kick lately anyway & this song especially just creeps up on me. The whole thing is so propulsive, you can't help but bust a move when it's playing & I'm still not sure why. It's not especially funky or anything on its own.
& its use in the movie was very cool. I mean, I'D certainly want to go to a party where people are dancing to a Talking Heads record from 1983!
I couldn't have enjoyed the Talking Heads in the 80s, they were too ubiquitous! & seemed to be played out & all the discussion of David Byrne was mostly pointless to my KISS, Twisted Sister, W.A.S.P. addled pre-teen brain. But now of course my mind has caught up with my genitalia in terms of music taste. So Talking Heads songs are occasionally a revelation now.
meanwhile, 'lars and the real girl' itself wasn't bad. I do resent it when an entire movie is summed up in its title. It was annoying to know beforehand that Lars would be getting a Real Girl, etc. Y'know, it kinda kills the mystery!
Same thing with 'tristan and isolde', which for its first half is two different stories taking place on separate sides of the Irish Sea. Gosh, I wonder, will they hook up, do you think? Tristan in England, Isolde in Ireland... I didn't bother watching the second half, because...who cares!
Dear Whoever Makes Movies, Don't give away the whole movie in the title, pleasethanksokaybye.
'lars' wasn't really
funny, exactly. It was about a guy who went a little mental. It was quite dark & european looking.
New B-52's album sounds very old school. I approve. Live drums, synths, GUITARS. Wow, guitars. People still use those?!?!
Wow, looks like they're on the Astralwerks label now, that's insane. Astralwerks had Chemical Brothers, Future Sound of London, um, a bunch of cool ambient compilations in the early 90s. Good job,
the B-52's. "Juliet of the Spirits" is definitely not "Love Shack". Are all the songs about movies?
Also, I finally finished reading Salman Rushdie's "
shalimar the clown". What an ending! I'm still not sure what happened. Sweet book. I already started his "
the ground beneath her feet".